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أقدم لكم اليوم مقالا بعنوان:مطعم مياس و فروعه في الكويت
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مطعم مياس
مطعم لبناني أرمني يتميز بالخدمة الراقية
جاءت كلمة المياس من الميس وهو نوع من الأشجار ذات الأوراق العريضه
Meias Meias, specializing in Lebanese fast food, offers a wide variety of Lebanese dishes and traditional favorites, from quick bites on the go to substantial, filling meals. Offerings include a variety of sandwiches, fatayer – made on the spot in a traditional oven -, mezzas and a number of daily platters. Meias prides itself on the quality and freshness of its food using only the finest ingredients. Combining quality food with quick service at reasonable prices, we bring the traditional recipes of delicious Lebanese cuisine back to life with simple, fresh ingredients and mouthwatering, unique flavors. The quality of food is a plus-point and all items on the menu are good value for money.
عدد الافرع (3)
محافظة العاصمه – الري
للاتصال: 24954507
العنوان: الافنيوز
محافظة الأحمدى – الفحيحيل
محافظة حولى – السالميه
للاتصال: 25738089
العنوان: منتجع شيك بالبدع